Paint spills are never fun, especially when they happen on ceramic tile. The paint will dry and it can be difficult to remove without damaging the grout. Here is how you can remove the paint without harming your ceramic tile!

How To Remove Paint from Tiles and grout
If the paint is still wet, use milk to remove it. Pour a small amount of milk onto the spill and let it sit for about three minutes before blotting with paper towels or clothes.
Blot any remaining moisture from your surface using a dry soft terrycloth towel (or another type of clean white cotton material) – Do not rub hard on the area as this will push more color into grout lines!
Clean up any residue left behind by following these steps:
- Mix baking soda and water in equal parts until you have created a paste consistency
- Apply generously to all areas that were affected by spilled paint
- Wipe off immediately after application.
- Follow up with rinsing if needed.
Take care when cleaning so no grout lines or textured areas are damaged.
If you have a scrubbing brush handy, use it to remove any dried paint resting on the surface of your tile. Take care not to scrub too hard as this will cause more color to be pushed into the grout line and create an even bigger mess.
Cleaning up spilled paints can also be done by mixing water with dishwashing liquid in equal parts until you get a thin consistency; apply generously using a clean white cotton material (or other types) overall affected area(s).
Let sit for about three minutes before wiping off with a dry terrycloth towel or other soft fabric without rubbing too aggressively, pushing paint further into grout lines! Rinse if needed by repeating the process.
If you need to remove paint from a porous surface like marble, terrazzo, or sandstone, use acetone nail polish remover and rub gently in circular motions until all of the paint has been removed from the surface; rinse with cold water after.
For flat surfaces (glass/plastic), apply enough cooking oil to cover an area larger than the affected areas before pouring on hot water – this will dissolve most paints over time without scratching your surface!
If any residue is left behind on glass or plastic material that cannot be dissolved with cooking oil, there’s always hope for those stubborn. This citrus based cleaner can cut through anything that may have gotten on your surface without any harsh chemicals.
For porous surfaces (wood/fabric), mix equal parts turpentine and mineral spirits, then apply with a paintbrush to the affected area – let it dry for 24 hours before washing off with soap and water; this will leave a nice finish on those materials that won’t be difficult to clean in the future!
You can also use a commercial or natural paint remover. Commercial paint removers are usually in liquid form and found at hardware stores for a quick fix. Natural products, such as white vinegar or lemon juice with baking soda, also remove stubborn marks well!
Using Commercial Paint Remover for ceramic tiles
Do you have paint on your ceramic tile floor? Is it hard to remove? You are not alone. Removing the paint from those tiles is often challenging, but there’s help! Commercial Paint Remover will take off the old coat of paint without damaging the surface underneath and with little effort required.
The secret weapon for getting that stubborn old layer of finish up is this product; just spray onto the area in need, wait about 15 minutes to let sit, then scrub gently using a nylon pad or brush as needed.
To make things even easier, use gloves while working any time you’re handling cleaning products containing sodium hydroxide (NaOH). NaOH can cause skin irritation if too much comes into contact with sensitive areas such as the hands.
Tip: When using paint remover for ceramic tiles, be sure to choose a commercial product with a label specifying it is safe for ceramic tile.
Warning about commercial Paint removers
Paint removers can be very strong chemicals that may release toxic fumes and you should use them with caution. They are best to avoid if they’re not necessary because it’s easier than cleaning up a mess.
Using Natural Paint Remover Vinegar for ceramic tiles
A good alternative to chemical paint removers is natural Paint Remover. It’s a mix of white vinegar and water that works on any type of surface.
This natural paint remover is safe to use around pets, children, plants, and of course all types of surfaces (paintable or otherwise).
The vinegar mixture will work best when applied directly onto the surface with a scrubbing brush after mixing equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Wait about 15 minutes before wiping off with a paper towel that has been dipped into warm water to break down the paint residue left behind with ease.
Does White Spirit Remove Paint From Tiles?
White spirit is a type of mineral spirits and is often used as a paint thinner. It can also be used to remove paint from surfaces like tiles. To remove paint from tiles using white spirit, first make sure that the area is well ventilated.
Next, apply the white spirit to the surface of the tile with a clean cloth. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before wiping it off with another clean cloth. You may need to repeat this process a few times to remove all of the paint.
Once the paint is gone, wash the area with soap and water to remove any residual white spirit.